Reporting / KPI

Working with our clients to meet their requirements has developed ONE into a powerful reporting tool. Previously data gathering for integrity management reporting would take hours or days, particularly for annual reports.

With a simple click of a button graphical reports can be generated, detailing live and historic information. Each report can be exported as an image or PDF format, allowing it to be used within other business information and KPI data.

All of the reports within ONE have been developed to meet specific Oil & Gas operators' reporting requirements.

Key reports include:

  • Field Reports - compare results across multiple Assets
  • Location - breakdown of each module, deck or asset
  • Action Party / Responsible Group - task totals per group
  • System - e.g. Containment; Deluge; Control Systems
  • Leaks - e.g. Yes / No; Major; Minor; Weep; Seep
  • Risk / Priority - by client definable gradings and timeframes
  • Component - open/closed anomalies per component
  • Discipline - e.g. Mechanical; Pressure Containment; Structural
  • Tasks - e.g. Verification; Maintenance; Anomaly
  • Temporary Repairs - e.g. Wraps and Clamps of all types
  • Anomaly - e.g. Open / Closed; damage mechanism;
  • World Wide Integrity View i.e. each Asset integrity heat ranked